Societies Directory
Do you want to get involved some more in student life and get out of room more? You should! There’s plenty of things going on in Trinity. Have a look at the list below and you’re guaranteed to find some society you can engage with.
Below you can find the Societies’ Prospectus, given out at the start of Michaelmas Term to all incoming Freshers. This includes a bio from all of the sports clubs and societies in Trinity College.
Trinity Societies Prospectus 2022
Below ought to be a complete list of all the currently registered Trinity societies. If you notice any outdated information in this list or would like to be added to it, please write an email to
One Missing? – Set up a society
Keen to get an idea off the ground but don’t know quite how? First of all, you should check that there isn’t already a society set up for this purpose. If not, then you’ll need to do the following things:
Provide the ACC with a constitution that includes the following:
the name of the club
the aims and objectives of the club
regulations relating to membership eligibility
provision for the election of a Committee or Officers by a vote of the membership
the responsibility of such Officers
provision for meetings of all club members
provision for the presentation of any accounts
Produce a letter from a senior member of the College stating that he or she is willing to be a Senior Treasurer for that club.
Provide the ACC with:
A budget for the coming year
Demonstration that the club will maximise its potential subscription, sponsorship or other income
Demonstration that the club will keep its own bank account solely for the purposes of the club
The ACC funding will only be made available to a club if its Senior Treasurer is a signatory on the club bank account.
There are a few further points to note:
The purpose of your society must meet those set out in Schedule 2 of the TCSU constitution. Societies that wish to be recognised by the ACC have to be open to all members of College.
Only Trinity members are eligible for committee positions.
Upon the dissolution of any club that has received funding from the ACC, any assets remaining after liabilities have been met must be returned to the ACC.
After you have taken care of these points you can either apply for ACC funding at the start of Michaelmas, at which point you can apply for funding for the entire following year, or for partial funding from the time of application to the end of Michaelmas, by submitting the relevant documentation to the Junior Steward.