Sexual Health and Sexual Assault


Condoms, lube, dental dams and pregnancy tests can be acquired completely anonymously by any Trinity student at any time- You can get these free through the anonymous contact form at the right-hand side of this page or by putting a note in either of the Executive Welfare Officers' pigeon holes. If you want to ask in person or through any other means then confidentiality is still guaranteed! All contraceptives/provisions will be placed in either of the welfare pigeon holes, or your own pigeon hole is this is what you expressly prefer.
For more information on contraception please visit:

Sexual Health

At all of these locations you can get tested for sexually transmitted diseases completely anonymously, as these tests do not appear on your NHS records.

Lime Tree can send home testing kits (maximum every 6 weeks):

More information about sexual health tests can be found at:

More information about sexual health generally:

If you need to talk to someone about the results of a pregnancy test, you can find specialised support at Marie Stopes (0845 300 8090) and Ask Brook (0800 0185 023). You can also find pregnancy advice on CUSU's website here:

All information on all sexual health services in Cambridge can be found here:

This includes locations to receive the 'emergency pill' and sexual health screening.

HPV Vaccination: As of September 2019, all girls and boys aged 12/13 will be offered the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine. This protects against warts and some types of cancer. However, previous to 2019 only girls were offered the vaccine. Therefore MSM (men who have sex with men) are at higher risk as a much lower proportion of this population is vaccinated. However, by going to/arranging an appointment with Lime Tree Clinic (see details above) It is possible for MSM who are unvaccinated to receive the vaccine for free.

HIV exposure: If you think you may have been exposed to the HIV virus, go immediately to Addenbrooke’s Accident and Emergency unit (ideally within 4-24 hours after exposure, at most within 48 hours) as you can be given PEP – post exposure prophylaxis – that will prevent HIV infection

Sexual Assault

Important information and links

For up to date information on the University’s policies, facilities and initiatives regarding harassment and sexual misconduct, visit the Breaking The Silence page.

Anybody can be the victim of a sexual assault whatever race, gender or sexuality. Sexual assault ranges from rape of the mouth, vagina or anus to unwanted and inappropriate touching, as well as all else that comes between. Anything non-consensual is sexual assault, and no one should feel ashamed or guilty as, no matter what the circumstances, the perpetrator is always the guilty one. It does not matter whether you were drunk or what you were wearing, you are not the one to blame. It does not matter how long ago it occurred, be it in the past or more recently, and therefore help will always be available to victims. No one should feel alone, and members of college and university staff such as tutors, councillors and welfare officers are available to talk to. Trinity and the university at large are committed to forming a network of support so that no one has to suffer in silence. If you have been a victim of sexual assault or harassment, please report it to the Women’s Officer or the two Executive Welfare Officers.

There are also services available that may help:

The Elms in Huntingdon
Specialist organisations recommend that your nearest Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) is a good place to go if you have recently been raped or sexually assaulted. It is a completely free service which offers forensic and medical examinations (including tests for sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy), and the SARC can store the forensic results until you decide whether to report the incident to the police or not. You don’t have to report the assault to police if you don’t want to and the services and organisations you come into contact with won’t insist that you do. However, if you want to, the staff at the SARC can arrange for a meeting with the police. The Cambridgeshire Police Force have specially trained police officers to deal with crimes of sexual violence. When someone contacts the police to report a sexual assault, the duty police officer will call out a specially trained officer who will then carry out the investigation.

SARCs also have specially trained, experienced professionals who can give you medical help, advice, and support through the immediate trauma. You should call in advance to let them know you are coming. For more formation and advice on reporting rape see the information on Rapecrisis England website.

The nearest SARC in Cambridgeshire is The Elms in Huntingdon. Visit for more information.

Cambridge Rape Crisis Centre

This is open to women three times a week, and can provide tailored support to survivors of rape, sexual assault, and childhood sexual abuse.
----Helpline: 01223 245888 (open every Wednesday from 7pm-9.30pm, Saturday from 3pm-5.30pm and Sunday from 10am-12.30pm)
----Counselling: It offers free face to face counselling for women and teenage girls who  have experienced rape, child sexual abuse or any other form of sexual abuse or violence and who live, work or study in Cambridgeshire.

Rape Crisis England and Wales

Rape Crisis England and Wales is the leading national organisation in providing specialist support to survivors of rape and sexual assault. Its website provides excellent and comprehensive information on sexual violence.  More extremely useful information can be found on the

NHS choices website -

Choices -
This offers a confidential counselling service in Cambridge (UK) and surrounding areas

More info on the current Female and Male Welfare Officers

For more info on the current Female and Male Welfare Officers' profiles and plans for the year check out this page, introducing you to this year's committee.

Contact James and Kapri,
Male and Female Welfare Officers

    This form does not give you the option to remain anonymous. If you'd prefer anonymity, please fill in the Confidential Welfare Form.

    Please choose whether you'd rather get in touch with the Male or Female Welfare Officer:

    Your Name

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