Through TCSU, you are able to book some college rooms. To request a booking, please email

The TCSU Environmental and Domestic Officer will review your booking and if it adheres to all the rules, then your request may be accepted. View the rules document here:

Bookings can only be made for during full term.  For 2020/21, the dates within which you can book these rooms are:

  • Tues 6 Oct 2020 – Fri 4 Dec 2020
  • Tue 19 Jan 2021 – Fri 19 Mar 2021
  • Tue 27 April 2021 – Fri 18 Jun 2021

Please note that all booking requests are granted or rejected at the discretion of the Environmental and Domestic Officer, who reserves the right to change their response, given sufficient time before the scheduled booking.  All bookings must be made at least one week in advance.  Any feedback, questions or complaints can be raised with the Environmental and Domestic Officer or with someone else on the TCSU Executive Committee (contact us here).  To book other rooms in college, please contact the accommodation office or the catering department.

If you no longer need the room, please let us know as soon as possible, so that others can use the room.

Got any events for us?

Great! Please email the TCSU Publicity Officer, so that they can give you access for you to create events on behalf of your Trinity society.

Want an event publicised?

To be on the TCSU Weekly Bulletin, featured on our Facebook page or have an image drawn on the chalkboard by the servery, email us at