The LGBT+ Officer
The LGBT+ Officer is responsible for all self-identifying LGBT+ people in College, making sure they have a happy and safe time here. The LGBT+ Officer ensures a zero-tolerance policy on discrimination based on gender or sexuality and offers welfare support for those that request it. The support offered is non-judgemental and confidential and not limited to self-identifying LGBT+ members of college. Any discriminatory behaviour reported will be treated seriously by not only the LGBT+ Officer but the whole welfare team and dealt with appropriately.
More info about the current LGBT+ Officer
For more info on the current LGBT+ Officer's profile and plans for the year check out this page, introducing you to this year's committee.
Useful & Important Information and Links
LGBT+ Officer Email Address:
The CUSU LGBT+ Welfare Officer:
The CUSU Trans Officer:
Useful Numbers
London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard: 0300 330 0630
Stonewall Information Service: 08000 50 20 20
Beaumont Society (Trans): 01582 412220
Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90
Useful Links
CUSU LGBT+ website:
The Asexuality Visibility and Education Network:
CUSU Trans Campaign website:
Cambridge University Counselling Service: (For Men)
Cambridge University’s LGBT+ Magazine:
CUSU Women’s Campaign Zine: