Field Club President

Theodore Seely
What is your role in the Field club?
I’m the Field Club President for the upcoming year – which essentially means I have to make sure every sport at Trinity runs smoothly! I’m going to make sure the whole College has a great day at the annual Sports Day against Christchurch and that we have lots of socials throughout the year. My aim is to make sport at Trinity thrive. I would love to see as many people as possible play throughout the year.
Why should someone play sports at Trinity?
Because sport is such an important part of your time at University. It is not only good for your physical health but also your mental one. It is a good respite from the constant work demands at Cambridge, a fantastic way of making and maintaining friendships, and a great way of staying fit, happy and healthy. You will meet some amazing people on the sports field, and there is a sport for everyone out there, so make sure to try everything out! I’m really looking forward to meeting all of the new Freshers this year during Freshers’ Sports Day. I’d encourage everyone to sign up to lots of sports at Chaplains’ Squash – you can pick and choose which ones you like once you’ve tried them all!
What is your best memory of your time at Trinity?
So many to choose from: winning the Lacrosse league against John’s in first year, getting promoted to Div 1 after beating Robinson at Rugby, a last-minute winner in Cuppers at Football to put us through to the semis, actually making a catch on the cricket pitch… I’d say the social aspect of all of the sports at Trinity has been my best memory: having fun with friends on and off the pitch has really been the highlight of my time at Cambridge, and I would recommend it to anyone!
How to get involved with the Field Club?
- Come to Chaplains squash and sign up to mailing lists and whatsapp groups for all the different sports teams. Remember, you can always unsubscribe from mailing lists and signing up isn’t a commitment to anything, so go crazy
- Check out the Field Club website and instagram for updates
- Come along to the Fresher’s sports day at Old Fields on Saturday 8th October, 1-4pm, and try out some of the many sports we have on offer
- If you miss the chance to sign up to a sport at Chaplain’s squash, or want to chat about starting a new sport, get in touch with the captain of the team (details below), or with me!
Please get in touch at any point throughout the year if you have any questions, requests or suggestions! My email is, or send me a message on Facebook.
Field Club Secretary
Isaac Flanagan
What is your role in the Field club?
I’m the Field Club secretary this year which means I’ll be supporting Theodore with all the admin required for the Field Club to run smoothly. In particular, if you’re struggling with the complexities of the different sports email lists, I’m your guy.
Why should someone play sports at Trinity?
Cambridge terms can be pretty intense, so college sport is a great way to be part of a more relaxed environment and just have some fun. By joining the field club you’ll get to meet people from different years and subjects and take part in whatever sport you want, whatever your experience. If that’s not enough, there’s always some great stash that you won’t want to miss out on.
What is your best memory of your time at Trinity?
Visiting (and beating) Christ Church Oxford in the annual sister college sports match.
Field Club Treasurer
Joan Lasenby
What is your role in the Field club?
I am Senior Treasurer — having taken over from Dr Jeremy Fairbrother in 2020
Why should someone play sports at Trinity?
Even if you are playing University sport, the team spirit in a Trinity team fighting for wins over other colleges, is something unique that you should not miss out on.
What is your best memory of your time at Trinity?
Getting a Trinity Ladies cross country team out for the first ever XC Cuppers event. I even wrote a piece in Varsity about it!
Adi Jain (Mens)
Elizabeth Ho (Womens)
Why do I play Badminton?
I’ve been playing badminton casually with friends and family ever since I was a kid, and the sport carries special meaning for me. I also really like the social aspect of it. It’s very easy to get to know others when you’re playing with them on the same badminton court, or when you’re chatting to your teammates while you’re taking a break.
Why should someone join your team?
If you’ve played badminton to any extent and think it’s interesting, do give it a try at Trinity! If you haven’t played it before but think you’ll like an indoor sport that’s relatively easy to get into but has a lot of room for improvement, badminton is also a great option. It’s a sport where people at all levels of ability can enjoy.
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
We play competitively against the other colleges, but my favourite moments are still the practice sessions where I can play and have fun with my teammates. It’s great trying to improve together and getting to know each other through the sport, and in badminton I got to make good friends that I wouldn’t have made otherwise.
Jihan Zaki
Why do I play basketball?
I’m tall and people keep asking me about it.
Why should someone join your team?
Ever played basketball before? Want to actually play the sport in this town? Not good enough to make the university team? If these ring true, we are effectively your only option to consistently play basketball. We play twice a week on a booked indoor court on top of games against the other colleges during the weekends, so it is the ultimate casual basketball environment. There’s no need to know how to play basketball, as long as you consistently come to practices, we’ll teach you how to play.
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
I wouldn’t say I have a best memory playing sports at Trinity, instead the best part of playing is the opportunity to socialize with people from all around the university who you would’ve never talked to otherwise.
Hayden Ramm
Why do I climb?
Climbing is one of those unique sports that you don’t get to try everywhere, and we’re lucky in Cambridge to have two really good climbing centres. It’s a great blend between a solo and team activity; every climb is done alone, but you’ll often have two or three people all working on a wall trying to find a good route. Also, your friends get to see and critique your every move from three metres below, so there’s always some group involvement.
Why should someone join your team?
Joining the climbing team gives you the opportunity to venture far out of College when you wouldn’t otherwise; it’s easy to only get to know the very centre of the city and the spaces immediately adjacent to the University. The climbing team is super relaxed and friendly, and we meet quite some distance from Trinity, so you get some distance from your studies that you might not otherwise find.
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
Falling several metres and (almost) killing my current treasurer, Bogdan.
Freddie Kottler and George Hargreaves &
Why do I play cricket?
During the summer term stresses can run high, and there’s nothing better than playing cricket in the sun with your mates as a chance to unwind. The club caters to people of all abilities and is a great way to get to know new people. Plus, often the travelling teams are more than happy to buy you pints…
Why should someone join our team?
A) Cricket is great B) You can get an awesome Trinity Cricket Cap C) Cricket is great
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
I can’t narrow it down to one. Playing football in down pouring rain, cricket when violently hungover, or trying my hand at rugby… Trinity has a great selection of sports on offer and my time at the college would have been so different without it.
Football (Men’s)
Harry Antill (Men’s 1sts)
Yousof Alemi (Men’s 2nds)
Ryan Baguley (Men’s 3rds) & &
Why do I play football?
Because when all you have at school is an air floater and a concrete playground it’s not a great idea to start playing rugby.
Why should someone join our team?
We are the largest team in Trinity with 3 teams that play across 3 divisions in the Cambridge football league. This means that you will find your level if you want to play competitive football and train with a FA qualified coach or just enjoy playing casually. We are always looking for players to strengthen our squad and push for promotion! The lads that play football at Trinity just love football, in the easter term when the league has finished you will find us having a kickabout on the backs. It’s a year-round sport and a great group of people.
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
Sport is a massive part of my life at Trinity so picking one moment amongst trophies, exchange trips and promotion games is difficult. Despite all these great games, one moment tops it all.
One of my closest friends, and a huge part of the football club, was diagnosed with cancer before the start of his second year forcing him to intermit. He made a fast recovery and even before the doctors said it was safe, he was back at training. Watching him battle cancer and then return to the team and score his first ever goal for Trinity was something remarkable.
Football (Women’s)
Alice Weatherley
Why should someone join our team?
People should get involved with our team because it’s a fun, friendly and inclusive opportunity to experience some of the best things Cambridge sport has to offer. TCWAFC is open to all abilities and while college football is a relaxed, low-commitment hobby, we have a strong sense of team spirit which makes for a fantastic atmosphere on match days in particular. I’d encourage anyone enthusiastic about a bit of competition to sign up!
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
My favourite memory of football at Trinity has to be our Cuppers quarter final against Girton/Medwards in Lend 22. Even with a very limited number of players, we bagged a 5-0 win and everyone played outstandingly. We were all in high spirits and I was massively proud.
Liam Brown
Why do I play Hockey?
Back at home, most of my family play hockey; and while I can’t quite keep up with some of them, I’ve still always had a great time at matches and training. Playing at Trinity has been lots of fun, and also a great way to meet new people in college. At the very least, running around and hitting a ball helps to get the stress and energy out at the end of the Cambridge week.
Why should someone join our team?
We are a very inclusive team with players of all levels very welcome and wanted. Whilst we enjoy the competition, we have a social atmosphere and team spirit throughout all our games. Matches are on the weekends and aren’t too long, meaning you can really throw yourself into them, without collapsing out of breath! At the end of the day we are here to have fun while hopefully not breaking any bones!
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
Finals day at last year’s cuppers. At the end of last year, the team worked our way through a couple of tough matches to make it to the finals day. While the day started out rainy and we narrowly lost the semis, the sun later came out and some brilliant hockey was played to place us third. It was a great break from the stresses of Easter term.
Sasha Ginsberg
Why do I play Lacrosse
I play Lacrosse because it motivates me to stay healthy during term, it teaches me to organise my time efficiently, and it allows me to build strong relations across college. I enjoy training with other undergraduates and postgraduates across Trinity and I also enjoy playing matches against other colleges across the university!
Why should someone join our team?
I encourage you to join the Lacrosse team because it is an inclusive sports club that accepts students of any age and ability. Playing Lacrosse at Trinity will allow you to take a break from your work, makes new friends across the college, and relax in a safe and supportive environment.
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
My first match during Fresher’s’ Week. I enjoyed meeting undergraduates and postgraduates from other years and academic disciplines across the college!
Netball (Women’s)
Naomi Vince & Ellie Buttery &
Why do we play Netball?
We really enjoy wearing tiny netball skirts in English weather and freezing our asses off
Why should someone join our team?
It’s an excellent way to let out some pent-up aggression – especially for a ‘non-contact’ sport
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
Trinity Field Club beating Christ Church on their own turf 💪💪
Netball (Mixed)
Senan Bottomley & Henry Wayt &
Why do we play Netball?
Mixed netball has a great balance between competition and fun which makes it one of my favourite college sports to play. It also doesn’t hurt that I’m tall…
Why should someone join our team?
It’s the most accessible sport trinity has on offer – anyone can play and be part of the team. There’s a huge variety of experience and a mix of people from all years which makes it a great way to meet new people.
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
My favourite sporting memory was netball cuppers at the end of last year where we demonstrated some netball prowess on the court and a lot of mediocre chat from the sidelines. We’re looking for anyone who can replace our best hecklers, or more importantly our ex-blues GS.
Bevis Drury
Why do I play pool?
I had never played pool before coming to Trinity, but after spending most nights with my friends in the JCR at the pool table, I quickly grew to love the game.
Why should someone join our team?
The pool team is new and we are encouraging everyone to try it out, especially if you have never played before. We aim to organise games with other colleges, so it’s a great way to meet new people inside and outside of Trinity.
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
Football: Winning both the league and the cup for the Bruces
Pool: Getting the opportunity to go to Oxford to compete against Christ Church at pool.
Henry Wayt
Why do I play rugby?
Because like running into other men
Why should someone join our team?
Because they like rugby
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
Beating Robinson in the last game of the 21-22 season to get promoted to div1.
Theodore Seely
Why do I play squash?
It’s a great way of letting off some steam
Why should someone join our team?
It’s an extremely low commitment sport which is great fun and doesn’t really require any previous experience to get very good quickly. Plus it’s one of the very few sports you can play after University – what’s not to love!
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
Squash wise it has to be the 2021-22 season, going from Div 5 to Div 2 in a single season.
Pratyush Mishra
Why do I swim?
The reason I like swimming is because it improves all aspects of your health and fitness. I really enjoy competing in races and seeing how fast I can swim under pressure. Also, it’s just really fun to be in the water and mess around, a good change from just usual dry-land exercise!
Why should someone join our team?
Joining Trinity Swimming is great for you whether you’re a casual swimmer or advanced athlete. It provides a good mess around for you and your friends for the casuals and it’s a fantastic full body weekly workout for the athletes. All sessions are FREE to attend. P.S. We also get to go on the water slides after sessions… So don’t miss out and join Trinity Swimming and Water Polo!
Table Tennis
Jerry Pang
Why do I play table tennis?
I started when I was young as an interest. As my skills and experience evolve with time, I inevitably fell in love with the sport.
Why should someone join our team?
If you want to practice, improve, or experience table tennis. This is a valuable opportunity and you will find your place here regardless of your skill level.
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
When I was in year 1 and being the captain for Trinity 2 team, we were playing in division 2 of the college league but we performed bad and demoted to division 3. However, we were able to practice ourselves and came back to division 2 in the Lent term and we were really happy about it.
Aprajit Mahajan
Why do I play tennis?
How many trinity students does it take to play a proper tennis match errrrr —- how many trinity students does it take to play A tennis match, 2? Easy to organize, not a lot of logistics and can play whenever convenient. All you need is the Trinity Tennis kit and someone equally bad at the sport.
Why should someone join our team?
We are the only Trinity sports team with a professional coach coming in every week! It may just be because we really need the training, but let’s ignore that. Also at Trinity Tennis, all year around is tennis weather. Ever played tennis while its 5 degrees and very windy? If not, this year is your chance!
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
This has to be the 4 – 0 washout of Christchurch, Oxford at their home turf this year. We went without some of our best players, yet managed to not lose a single match. If you want to help us continue this record at home this year, do sign up!
Ultimate Frisbee
Matej Urban & Bence Hervay &
Why do I play ultimate frisbee?
I play ultimate frisbee because I wanted to be part of a sport that combines teamwork, laughter, cardio, and the occasional epic layout dive! Also, where else can you scream ‘SKYEF!’ and ‘MINE!’ while running around like a gazelle?
Why should someone join our team?
Why join our team? We’re like the Avengers of ultimate frisbee, only with more flying discs and athleticism, fewer capes and worthy opponents to challenge us on the field!
What is your best memory playing sports at Trinity?
Best memory playing frisbee at Trinity? Picture this: A golden sunset with a nice summer breeze, It’s just you and one John’s defender in their endzone and the score is 6-6. You hear someone shout “UP”, the disk is in the air. If you catch the disk now, you win the whole match, you really don’t want to mess this up. You jump and John’s main endzone defender right next to you does the same. You’re flying up head to head, everything is so intense you can feel the time slowing down, it almost stops…
A moment later, you realise you have a stable grip on the disc, skyed your opponent, and won the final point. Then everyone clapped.
Janssen Tanuwijaya
Why should someone join our team?
Volleyball is a well-rounded sport suited for everyone. It is dynamic, deep, and fun. The premise is simple, keep the ball off your court side’s ground and try to have it drop on the opponent’s, but the variety of plays you can make is abundant. In the process you get to train your awareness and collaboration with other people. Be it experienced players or curious beginners, all are welcome in this club. We play every Saturday/Sunday afternoon at Trinity Old Field.